Zenmotion for Asus Zenfone 4/5/6
This article is about installing Zenmotion in 1st gen Zenfone 4/5/6 (rooted phones). ROOT IS NECESSARY. Download the files in the links : 1)Zenmotion xml file : http://www.mediafire.com/download/jfia6ofblpli3t1/asus.hardware.touchgesture.double_tap.xml 2)Root Explorer : http://vk.com/doc224895657_276884189?hash=7fd83d9cdf3cfacf8d&dl=042bfa0b511cc6fb3e Steps: 1) Install Root Explorer and open it . 2) In root explorer copy the file "asus.hardware.touchgesture.double_tap.xml" (the first file that u downloaded from mediafire) to the directory "system/etc/permission/" 3) Hold on the file and select permissions as shown in the image 4) RESTART YOUR PHONE . 5) DONE ! NOTE : Double tap can be used to lock your screen when you are on the main screen and when you are on the lock screen just before you swipe to unlock your phone . CNT BE USED TO UNLOCK YOUR ZENFONE(double tap to wake up requires hardware) . you can switch it on/off in Settings>Z...